• Equipment selection

    Installation works

    Start-up works

    Repair works

  • Safety and life-support systems

    Arctic model equipment

    Explosion-proof equipment

    Valve remote control

  • Ventilation and air conditioning systems

    Furniture and interior design

    Wall panels, carpeting

  • Trawling stations

    Ladders, ropes, anchors

    Refrigerator equipment

    Fish-searching equipment

    Fish-processing equipment

  • Drilling equipment

    Generator stations

    Position-control system

    Dwelling module installations

  • Logistics

    Customs and forwarding

    Consolidation and storage

    Supply control -Tracking system

  • Repair dock selection

    Design works

    Installation works

    Start-up works

    Repair works

    Ship survey

Valves Remote Control System, class EXCELLENT

The system equipment is installed on deck, in tanks, technical rooms etc:

1. HSVC Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Cabinets

2. HPP Hydraulic Power Pack

3. R&PD (Rack & Pinion Double Acting) rotary actuators with High Performance butterfly valves

4. R&PD actuators with submerged butterfly valves

5. AREB ( Actuator Remote Emergency Block) for the remote emergency operation by PHP

6. PHP (Portable Hand Pump) for the actuators’ emergency operations


EXCELLENT Remote control advantages

1. Double feed:

- 24 V direct current

- 230 V alternating current

2. Double IAS link

- RS485 - RS232

- ModBus

3. Double microprocessor each card

4. Main components doubled

- Double HPP

- Double Voloil each valve

- Pressure reduction valve

- Main hydraulic components

- Nytrogen accumulators

 Exs 1.JPG

 Exc 2 en.JPG

When we talk about valve remote control systems, we offer full package, including valves and accessories.

 Reference List

We supply spare parts to all the above mentioned equipment in accordance with catalogue number provided by the manufacturer.

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