SEA WT (Biogard WT, SWT Vecosperse, Drewsperse SWD)

· Prevents and controls marine growth in once-through sea water cooling systems.
· Protects system from corrosion by filming properties.
· Being biodegradable and not oil-based, its use does not contravene regulations limiting oil in discharge water.
· The formula is approved by the U.K. Department of the Enviroment for use at a dose rate not exceeding 8 ppm for sea water pipelines feeding evaporators producing water for potable purpose
· Has clearance of major international environmental control departments for discharge into harbour and sea.
· Empty tanks remain protected for several days.
Sea WT has been designed to effectively stop the development of micro organisms, shell embryo, bacteria and plant life commonly found in sea water. Most fouling of ships systems is primarily the result of microscopic organisms colonizing in the pipework, attracting growth of larger life forms and giving anchorage to sand and silt. Partial blockage of heat exchanger tubes reduces flow, resulting in local overheating and subsequent scaling from hardness salts.
Directions for use
1. Sea water cooling systems
The product is injected into seachests to give a concentration of 6 ppm over a period of 1 hour every two days that the vessel is in shallow water. This period is sufficient to remove the foulants before they have anchored and started adult development, at which time they are extremely difficult to control. To achieve these dosing rates, 0,6 liter of Sea WT must be injected each second day for each 100 tons/h of flow into the seachest(s) (=0.006 liter/ton). Vessels which are continuously coastal must inject Sea WT at he same rates every third day.
Dosage instructions
Example : system of 250 tons/h.
Dosage method
A. Calculate amount of Sea WT for each dose. I.e. 250 tons per hour x 0.006 liter = 1.5 liters/dose.
B. If using a dosing system which requires dilution of Sea WT with water, never add water to the product. Always mix the product into the water, stirring continuously.
C. On approaching shelf or coastal area, open discharge valves to operating chest and operate system for 1 hour.
D. Close system valves.
E. Make note of date and which box dosed.
F. When approaching to a pier or anchoring position and reduction of circulation system capacity continue dozing in accordance with the abovementioned taking into consideration the capacity of the auxiliary pump. Example: for 8 days when auxiliary pump is activated the flux is decreased to 100 tons/hour. Dose is 0.6 liter of SEA WT per 1 hour every 48 hours.
G. If changing to high level suction remember to dose to the correct box.
H. When leaving area (dockside, estuary, coast or shelf area) continue dosing on 2 day cycle so that last dose is after clearing shallow waters.
2. Tanks
Inject Sea WT into sea water at 45 - 130 ml per m3 water capacity.
3. Pipelines
Dose at 100 ppm by injecting 80 x D-ltr per kilometer of pipeline. (D = pipe diameter, in meters).
If fresh water is used for either application lower concentrations may be used.
Cloudy yellowish-brown aqueous liquid containing dispersants with filming properties. In concentrations less than 10% miscible with water.
Specific gravity (20°C) : 1.0
Flash point PMCC : above 100°C
pH (1% solution) : approx. 7