DIESEL WT (Rocor NB Liquid, CWT Diesel QC2, Liquidewt)

• Suitable for slow, medium and high speed engines.
• Effective inhibition of ferrous and non ferrous metals.
• Prevents scale and sludge build ups.
• Safe to use when cooling water is heat source for potable water systems.
• Does not encourage bacteria in system.
• If the chloride level is below 100 PPM CI, also aluminum in normal rated engines is protected.
Diesel WT is a nitrite, borate and polymer based corrosion inhibitor with a suitable buffer to ensure stable pH conditions.
Recommendations for cooling water treated with Diesel WT :
Nitrite 1200-3000 ppm NO2
Chloride max. 100 ppm CI
Hardness max. 180 ppm CaCO3
pH 9,0 - 10,0
Directions for use
Diesel WT is used in a dosage of 1200 - 3000 mg/l nitrite (NO2), dependent on the chloride level and engine type, please refer to the engine manufacturers instructions on recommended nitrite ranges:
Chloride concentration |
Initial dosage |
Nitrite range |
0 - 50 ppm CI |
6 l/m3 cooling water |
1500 ppm NO2 |
50 - 100 ppm CI |
6-8 l/m3 cooling water |
1600-2000 ppm NO2 |
Starting with the treatment of a system, the nitrite level must be kept at the higher nitrite level of the corresponding chloride concentration by testing and dosing daily. If the system is pacified the testing frequency and dosing can be reduced till once a week at minimum. Always add Diesel WT at a point where circulation is high. Most modern systems header tanks are purely for expansion and have little or no circulation. Also they are often fitted with an internal baffle which can have the effect of trapping treatment and subsequent difficulty in obtaining the correct levels. The majority of loss in treatment levels will be due to leakage and subsequent dilution by make up water (distilled water should always be used). We advise testing of the Diesel WT level with the StarMarine nitrite control test.
Dosing system
A compact electronic dosing pump and tank unit is available from StarMarine for direct injection to the cooling system. for further details refer to StarMarine equipment information.
On new buildings or overhauled systems, follow engine manufacturer's advice in conjunction with StarMarine. If changing to Diesel WT from nitrite borate based products of another make, start dosing StarMarine product using StarMarine tests. Diesel WT will slowly remove sludge and other residues during first month. This can result in slightly cloudy water which will clarify after draining small quantities of water and as make up is added, leaving system extremely clean. It is not necessary to drain existing coolant completely unless inspection has shown excessive contamination
Diesel WT is a pale yellow liquid, completely soluble in water. It is based on nitrite and borate in combination with specific inhibitors, organic dispersants and a pH buffer. Compatible with anti-freeze products based on mono-ethylene glycol.
Specific gravity (20°C): 1.20
pH (1% - solution) : 9,5 - 10
Flash point : none