• Fast acting dispersion of oils.
• Does not contain petrochemical solutions.
• Non-toxic and non-flammable.
Directions for Use
Oil Spill Dispersant can be applied by spraying from the surface vessels. Used neat it will disperse in practice a ratio of about 2 to 4 times its own volume.Implementation
Oil Spill Dispersant should be sprayed onto the oil slick using spraying equipment connected to booms with spray nozzles supplied by a pump from storage tanks. When using the product the sea surfaces should be agitated using breaker boards, boat propellers, bow wave etc. to help disperse the oil.
When dealing with small spills from vessels, use hand spray pump or an eductor and fire hoses or monitor. This will mix the dispersant with seawater, and agitating the sea will help break up the oil slick as well as applying the dispersant. This technique has also proved valuable when dealing with small spills in ports and harbors between ships side, wharfs and pilings, etc. or any area which has difficult access.
Beach and Shore Application
Oil Spill Dispersant may be used for the beach and shore cleaning. Before using Oil Spill Dispersant on beaches, the local environmental, social, economic and political consideration should be taken into account. Where application is justified, the most appropriate method of use will depend on the type of shore line, type of oil and amount. When a beach has oily liquid from a spill, it is advisable to remove as much of it as possible mechanically before using a dispersant. The amount of dispersant used is dependent on the type of oil. In cases of light to medium crude oils and light to medium fuel oils, Oil Spill Dispersant will be sufficient. Apply the dispersant over the oil working from the low watermark upwards, before a rising tide, or in areas where it is calm or small tidal movements, use hoses to wash down the shore line to remove oil from rocks and beach.
Technical Information
The effectiveness of the oil dispersant will vary depending on the state of the oil, i.e., its pour point and viscosity at sea temperature and the time of weathering, evaporating of the lighter fractions of oil and the formation of oil-in-water emulsions which will all quickly increase viscosity and pour point and hence increase resistance to dispersion
To be effective, it is essential to use Oil Spill Dispersant as early as possible in the cleanup operation. We recommended users of oil dispersants to read the IMO publication ‘IMO/UNEP’ Guidelines on Oil Spill Dispersants Application and Environmental Considerations’. This book gives more information on the application of dispersants. We would also like to point out that the use of dispersants in many countries is governed by local authorities or Coast Guard and permission to use the product must be sought.
Analogs OIL SPILL DISPERSANT of production Star Marine Chemicals BV are Seacare OSD, Oil Spill Dispersant, OSD-LT (UNITOR, VECOM, DREW).
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