• Auswahl der Ausrüstung




  • Sicherheit und Lebenserhaltungssysteme

    Arktische Modell Ausrüstungt

    Explosionsgeschützte Geräte


  • Klimaanlagen

    Möbel und Interior Design

    Wandpaneele, Teppichboden

  • Schleppnetzfischerei Stationen

    Leitern, Seile, Anker




  • Bohrausrüstung




  • Logistik

    Zoll und Spedition

    Konsolidierung und Speicherung

    Versorgungssteuerung -Trackingsystem

  • Reparatur-Dock Auswahl






Fixed water makers from 350 to 10 000 m3/day

ENWA manufactures fixed water maker for production of potable and technical water for needs of cities/settlements, averages and large industrial objects. Similar units are used by municipal services, developers of deposits of commercial minerals and by other technical services that produce potable water.

Also these plants can make technical water for industrial needs (production of concrete, cement, washing of ore of various minerals).

This type of unit may be installed in a separate room for long-term use; it is also possible to use the equipment in containers on different sites, quick installation/dismantling.

The units are used on all continents, in different climate zones.

ENWA has major experience in preparation of project documentation, required for your project.

The structure is optimized for satisfaction of requirements of effective maintenance during ex-ploitation.

All ENWA equipment is certified by ROSTEST and has all the required sanitary and epidemio-logical conclusions.

в контейнере с дверями

All ENWA units can be assembled in 20 or 40-foot containers. There are three types of containers: standard, arctic model (operation at temperature up to -40°С), tropical model (operation at temperature up to +50°С). The containers can be used installing the prepared module on board the ship, drilling platforms; also they are applicable on-shore.

белый контейнер мембраны в нерж

Reference-list Enwa Water Maker

We supply spare parts to all the aforementioned equipment in accordance with catalogue number provided by the manufacturer.

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