Wall panels
NORTA MIT would like to present itself as the supplier of high quality European coating mate-rials from modern non-combustible materials for ship building industry.
Panels and composite items:
- partition panels,
- top ceiling panels,
- inspection doors,
- two-leaf inspection doors,
- inspection top ceiling panels,
- panel installation profiles,
- composite doors,
- door panes with ventilation grids,
- door buffer with or without holders,
- door closers,
- locks.
The whole equipment is supplied in models with different fire resistance class: А0, А30, В0, В15.
Finishing options: polyvinyl chloride galvanized coating, stainless steel.
All vessel coatings and items can be designed and delivered upon order in accordance with tech-nical specifications and specific colour range.
The specialists install cover panels on board the vessel.
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